Master Rig International seeks out and implements environmental sustainability measures in our facility as an initiative to help protect our planet from environmental hazards, we have introduced recycling programs, made efforts to reduce our carbon emissions and waste.
- We recycle steel.
- We recycle old oils.
- We recycle blast media.
- We recycle waste water.
- We recycle office paper.
- We use motion sensor lights.
- We use high efficiency electronic lamps.
- We reclaim and recycle 100% of water used in our wash-bay operations.
- We strive to maintain paper-less communication, documentation, filing, and data.
- We dispose of all classes of waste in accordance with state and federal laws and maintain cradle-to-grave documentation.
- We use generators engines which conform to IMO regulations for marine diesel engines and also complies with the nitrogen oxide emission limits of regulation 13 of ANNEX VI of MARPOL 73/78.